Enfermeria Humanistica

Enfermeria Humanistica
Editorial Bisemanal en Salud

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014


SWSD is a sleep disorder that affects people who frequently rotate shifts or work at night.About 20% of the U.S workforce is involved in some form of shift work.Schedules of these people go against the bodies natural circadian rythem , and individuals have difficulty adjusting to the different sleep and wake schedules(ANA,2013)Among some of the consequent of t  shift work sleep disorder are increased automobile accidents , increased work related errors , increased sick leave , and mood problems Shift work sleep disorder is also known to cause depression when combined with SAD or what is known as Seasonal affective disorder, this disorder usually causes the blues during christams time and throughout the winter months ; because of high levels of the hormon melatonin

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